
Monday, March 23, 2015

Using Classroom Displays

I'll be the first to admit that I am guilty of putting too much on my classroom walls. However, I don't have windows ... so we need SOMETHING to look at! If there is one thing I cannot stand, it's bland, boring, white walls. I want my students to feel like they are walking into a place that is welcoming, not dread being stuck with me in a box for 6 hours a day. 

I try to use the wall space for colorful, but useful materials.

Use #1 - Math Vocabulary
I created Word Wall cards for each of our math units. We use EDM, so there are quite a few vocab words. Here is my wall for Unit 8:
I actually ended up liking the vocab cards so much, I decided to put them together in a set for TpT. I thought maybe other teachers could use them too! Find that here.
This is probably one of the most used boards in my room. The kids especially use it during partner work when they can't remember the different between different terms. This way, they aren't constantly asking me for help.

Use #2 -Reading Language Board
I also started to have a little fun creating posters for our language lessons. I made an antonym ant and a synonym cinnamon bun. There is also a magnifying glass for context clues and M&Ms for multiple meaning words. We are lucky enough to have a poster maker, so I can make these posters in power point and print them MUCH bigger. I've made quite a few others for other language standards. I've acutally considered making it a product for TpT, but wasn't sure if this is something others would use. Do you have a poster printer in your school?

Use #3 - Reading Comprehension Board
I also turn many of our class anchor charts into posters. That way I can print them and hang them and they look pretty. Also, I can reuse them year after year because I tend to create the same charts each year with my kiddos (with slight differences).  This is also a place they can reference during guided reading since it is right behind my table. I have a Power Point Presentation right now with almost 30 anchor charts typed up ... all pretty of course! I also thought about making these into editable documents for TpT so others could save time and use the templates I've already created.

Thoughts on anchor charts/room displays? I would love to hear your ideas, too!

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