
Monday, July 2, 2012

JUMP IN TO LEARNING with The Daily 5 Book Study!!!

Are you ready? Have you started? I hope so!

We Read, We Blog, We Teach
has begun their Daily 5 book study!! 

It just started yesterday, so if you haven't begun reading yet, there's plenty of time to catch up!

I really connected with the first chapter of Daily 5. The sisters talk about the "traditional" way we approached education, especially discipline. We I began teaching 6 years ago I was SO happy with my discipline chart. I used a pocket chart and die cut machine to make "tickets" for each student. The colors ranged from red to green. Green was, "Good to Go", and those students knew they were doing a good job. The other colors went in a range from yellow (warning), to orange (fill out a think sheet), to pink (loss of recess), to red (call home/office visit). I even had a purple ticket to reinforce positive behavior. Students on green setting a good example could earn a purple card which entitled them to a classroom dollar at the end of the day. 
Now, what could be better than that? Wasn't it a perfect system. The cards were even numbered to provide a little anonymity, (though after the first month of school the kids knew who was who).
But, what if? What if the structural system in place negated the need for such a system? Could it work? Really? ..REALLY? 
Has anyone tried this? Does it work in practice? I'd love to hear feedback and experiences! 

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