
Monday, April 9, 2012

Tagged ...

Well, it took me a little while, but I'm finally getting around to "being it". I had a 4 day weekend and decided to relax and go computer free. Alas, it's back to school tomorrow, and here I am back on my trusty mac.

So, Christi at Mrs. Fultz's corner tagged me it for a blogger interview. Here are the rules:

* Post these rules.
* Answer the 10 questions that the tagger posted for you.
* Create 10 questions of your own to ask the people that you're about to tag.

Here are her questions:

1. What's your most loved classroom read aloud?
It's probably quite cliche, but I love to read Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing to my kiddos. I absolutely LOVE Judy Blume, and this book is no exception. This book is hilarious and the kids can't wait to hear more.

2. If you weren't teaching, what would you be doing instead?
Don't tease me! Haha, just kidding. Actually, I feel like there are a million things that I would LOVE to do. I would love to do interior design. I think it would be so fun to spend my days shopping with other people's money to make their house/space look amazing.

3. What are you most looking forward to during summer break?
Sleeping, relaxing, and catching up with friends. I don't know about the rest of your, but school sucks up a ridiculous amount of my time during the school year. In the summer, I just can't wait to have time to "smell the roses" and enjoy a bit of free time :) How many more months?

4. Can you think of your favorite teaching moment?
I'm not sure about favorite, but I can think of my funniest. Last year when I still taught science, I was teaching my class about static electricity. We were learning about opposites attract, so I used to balloons to show them. I drew faces on them, then rubbed one with plastic wrap and the other with wool. They attracted right away, and the kids could not contain their giggles (after all kissing balloons are hilarious). The best part, though, was when I was having trouble separtating the balloons and one of my little girls (who happens to be autistic) said, "Hey, I think they want more". I had to cover my face, because of course it went right over the heads of each and every one of my 4th graders.

5. If money wasn't a factor, what one item would you buy for your classroom?
Man, that's a tough question. I guess I've never thought lavishly as money isn't exactly falling from trees here in PA. But, I think it would be amazing to have a laptop for every kid in my classroom. In my school, we do our best to get as much computer time for our kids as possible, but sharing with 7 other teachers makes it challenging. We all want our computer time! So, it would be great to have it at my disposal all the time :)

6. Why did you start blogging?
I began "blog stalking" earlier this school year. The more I used the ideas of others, the more it weighed on me to start sharing myself. Then, one day I was at a meeting for PLP (Powerful Learning Practice) and was talking with my colleagues about blogging. They encouraged me to start one of my own, and here I am. Though the first few months I thought it was a mistakes because I was writing to myself (the only reader was me. ..). But, now it's nice to actually be sharing ideas and have people read them!

7. What is your favorite non-school related thing to do?
I absolutely LOVE watching movies. I don't know what it is about losing yourself in a movie for 90 minutes, but I just love it.

8. What advice would you give to a new teacher in your building?
You know have to be perfect.  There's a lot to know and learn, but it's best to just take it one day at a time.

9. Do you prefer real books or e-readers like Kindles?
I just love reading, so any format works for me. Usually I just read which ever version is cheaper. AND on my iPad I downloaded a library ap called Overdrive Media. If you have a local library card you can link up with your local branch and download electronic versions of your favorite books. The only downside is that sometimes you have to wait your turn to "borrow" the book.
10. You know it's been a good day when...
When I am singing along with the radio on the way home. When it's been a long day, I'm usually comatose on the way home.

Ok, now it's my turn to tag people "it"! Here are some of my faves!

Fun in Room 4B

FultzCorner Button

 Here are my questions:
1. What is your funniest memory while teaching?
2. Are you teaching your favorite grade? If not, what would it be?
3. What did you want to be when you were a kid? Was it always a teacher?
4. What is your favorite book (for adults)?
5. What is your favorite part about teaching?
6. If you were give a free vacation to anywhere in the world, where would you go?
7. What do you love to do with your class the first week of school?
8. What is your favorite part about blogging?
9. When do you start counting down for summer vacation?
10. When and why did you start blogging?

Can't wait to read the responses!

Now onto my next project ... new blog button! It's really hard to read the name of my blog, so I think I'll give it another go :)

1 comment:

  1. Your new button is so cute! I just updated it on my blog for you.

    I love reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing as one of my higher book clubs each spring. The turtle part at the end always puts the students into a fit of giggles!

    Christi ツ
    Ms. Fultz’s Corner
