

Who doesn't love using technology in their classrooms? I know I do everything I can to help my students use and navigate the technology we have at our disposal.

My favorites inclue:

1. Kidblog (
    This site is free to use and extremely easy! What's even better is that it is safe for students to use
    and navigate.

2. Powerpoint
    This one might sound a little trivial and silly, but you'd be surprised what you can do with
     Powerpoint besides making slideshow presentations.  Last year I showed my students how to use
     Powerpoint to make a newspaper by making each slide a page of their paper. It was much easier
     for them to keep everything they wanted confined to a page (instead of the formatting getting all
     crazy in Word).

Below find some free documents you might find helpful in your own classroom:

Blogging Poster: Graphics by Nikki @
Fonts by Darcy Baldwin @SweetShoppeDesigns

 Think Posters: Graphics by Nikki @
Additional Graphic on page 3: The 3AM Teacher
Fonts by Darcy Baldwin @SweetShoppeDesigns

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