
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

A Look at Close Reading, Classroom Design, and a Freebie :)

Well, this year is going to spell big change for me! Not only am I due with our first baby in two weeks, but I've also applied for and gotten a new position in my district. After my maternity leave I will begin a new career as a reading specialist for our 3-5 building! I'm really excited, but also really anxious for so many changes. It's hard to leave 4th grade, the only grade I've taught for the past 9 years, but this next step in my career is something I've really been looking forward to.


So, as a reading department, my colleagues have chosen a book to begin studying.  They've chosen A Close Look at Close Reading: Teaching Students to Analyze Complex Texts.
Close reading has become the new (old) buzz word in the past year. While close reading is in no way a "new" idea, it has picked up a lot of steam and created a rekindling of some very good practices with students. I'm excited to dive into this new book, not only to help me as an educator, but to also help others better reach the needs of their students.
As the common core pushes the idea of close reading, it is important for us, as educators, to understand just what this means for our teaching practices. As I read and analyze this text, I plan on sharing my new learning here. I'd love to hear your ideas on close reading and how you've been applying it in your own classroom.

In preparing to really focus on close reading this year, I made a few posters to hang in the reading room, but they'd be great for classroom too!

Want to download these for your own classroom? Click here

Classroom Design

So, I've been totally obsessed with black and white and neon. I think that is how I'll be decorating my office/small group area this year.  Yesterday I was playing around with some designs and ideas, and it ended up turning into an entire set! So, I finished it and put in on TpT.  Check it out Neon Room Theme
Here's a peak at what it looks like :) 

Any one else gearing up for a new year? Or do you just want to outlaw the "S" word?