
Monday, August 27, 2012

Lucky First Day?

Well, today was my first day back. So, I guess that officially means I am off my blog hiatus. It was a nice break, but good to be back stalking my favorite blogs, soaking up the amazing ideas.
My favorite for this weekend was the great lunch count idea from Mrs. Fultz's Corner. I needed a lunch count idea, and hers gave me some inspiration. I even found some lovely tape on amazon with a zebra pattern. I can't wait until it comes in the mail.

Anyway, if you haven't guess by my blog theme I LOVE ladybugs. Some of you may remember that I resigned from my job last school year to move closer to my family. That made today's first day of school that much more nerve wracking! New school, first day, new curriculum, new rules ... the list goes on. So, when I went out to my car this morning, I had some jitters. Then, I saw this on my car:
It was a sign from the teaching gods! :) or something like that. But, in any case, it was a great start to my day. That is not to say that the day was perfect, because what first day doesn't have a few glitches? But all in all it was pretty successful.

Later this week I will reveal my new classroom .. .that is when our laminator is fixed and I can finish putting my room together. For now I will be going to bed, because I don't know about you, but the first day really drains my energy!