
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Writing Worries

I'm sure I'm not the only 4th grade teacher out there who struggles to get their students on board with revising their writing. My kiddos are so quick to tell me everything is perfect and they are finished. While they are not too bad at editing, it's the revising that gets us every time. "What do you mean you want me to change what I've written?"
So, I model, model, model. Then, I went to a writing conference and got this great idea about STAR revising. It is a great way to give students ideas about HOW and WHAT to revise. I created a document to put in their writing folders and shared it below.

How do other people help their students learn the wonderful art of revising?

Click HERE to access this document on google docs!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I love teaching poetry with my students. It is such a fun way to get students thinking creatively! Every month I pick one type of poetry to teach my children. Then, I model a poem and have the students write their own. I went to my local IU and used their large Die Cut machines to make seasonal cut outs. The students use these cutouts to write their poem. Not only are the students learning, but they help me decorate my room! :)
Here is the form I am using to show the students Cinquain poetry.

Here is a link to access this document through google docs